Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Grow baby grow!

This journey, as was the last, has been such a roller coaster! After my lining was not quite thick enough and I was given one more week to thicken, I was super anxious. If you know me at all you know that I like routine and I was not excited about having an ultrasound somewhere other than MY Ob. I was nervous when I met the ultrasound tech. She asked if my bladder was full and I had to explain to her that it didn't need to be because I was having a vaginal ultrasound. Then she asked me what I was having checked so I had to explain that too. Then she took me down an elevator to a basement. I was shown to the restroom and told to strip from the waist down, put on a gown, THEN walk around the corner to an exam room. Super mortifying since there was a man sitting in a waiting room by the restroom. Once I got into the room the tech asked a bunch of questions and added the comment that I must get paid well to carry a baby. She then struggled to find both of my ovaries and said that my lining was a 7.6. The ultrasound that usually takes 10 minutes tops took over 30. I lwft feeling very discouraged. Then at about 4:15 I got a call from the RE's office in Pasadena saying that the imaging place could not send the pictured from my ultrasound, I would need to go and pick them up and send them myself. I left work a few minutes early and went back to the imaging center. They had already send the records to their main office. I had to go there (just a few miles away) and get the disk. After that I had to go home and figure out how to upload and send the images. The staff at the RE's office were all awaiting the results! As it turns out my lining was actually at 8.3 and I was given the all clear to start the additional meds and go to Pasadena for transfer!
  I was super nervous about starting the progesterone in oil. I remember the huge bruises and knots I got with it last time. So far the injection sites are just a little sore. I try to apply heat and rub really well. It is a difficult shot to do myself because it is so thick it is a little hard to push the plunger in when it is behind my back but I manage. I also started Endometrin which is also known as chalk rockets. That is because they look like a big chalk tablet and after they are inserted (vaginally) they proceed to  melt and ooze out. It is the nastiest feeling. I have to do 3 of those a day!!
  Traveling to Pasadena was uneventful. I left on Saturday got to explore a little and then went to bed. My instructions said to arrive at 9:15 for a 10:00 transfer and begin to drink a liter of water upon arrival. At a little after 8:30 I got a call from the RE's office asking where I was, they had the transfer down for 9:00!! I rechecked my paperwork and it very clearly said 10! We promptly left the room and caught the shuttle to HRC. I started drinking the water then and finished shortly after getting back into the room. It took a good 45 minutes though for my bladder to fill up enough, but when it did it went from empty to FULL!!
Here I am waiting for my bladder to fill. During this time I was texting the parents since we were all a little anxious. After the nurse checked me for the third time I was finally full enough. The transfer was short and sweet. The process only took a few minutes and I could pee after 10 and leave 20 minutes later.
This is the picture from transfer. The eggplant shaped dark blob is my very full bladder. Right below that is my uterus and there is a tiny little white spot that looks like a grain of rice, that is Tator Tot getting cozy. Kimberly said that it does not look like a tator tot yet but rather a potato pill.
  After that it was time to head back to the hotel and rest. I have been super cautious this time. I stayed in bed and have really been paying attention to my caffeine intake and how much I lift. Now the hardest part.... The two week wait for the official pregnancy test. The test is scheduled for April 1st of all days! We had a slight battle over home pregnancy tests. They say no test. I have no willpower. I will take home test but I wont tell them the results unless they ask. With Isaac I got a positive test a little under 4 days past transfer. This time the embryo had grown 3 days instead of 5 so I have to wait a little longer to test.

  Hopefully my next update will be about a positive

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