I was super nervous about starting the progesterone in oil. I remember the huge bruises and knots I got with it last time. So far the injection sites are just a little sore. I try to apply heat and rub really well. It is a difficult shot to do myself because it is so thick it is a little hard to push the plunger in when it is behind my back but I manage. I also started Endometrin which is also known as chalk rockets. That is because they look like a big chalk tablet and after they are inserted (vaginally) they proceed to melt and ooze out. It is the nastiest feeling. I have to do 3 of those a day!!
Traveling to Pasadena was uneventful. I left on Saturday got to explore a little and then went to bed. My instructions said to arrive at 9:15 for a 10:00 transfer and begin to drink a liter of water upon arrival. At a little after 8:30 I got a call from the RE's office asking where I was, they had the transfer down for 9:00!! I rechecked my paperwork and it very clearly said 10! We promptly left the room and caught the shuttle to HRC. I started drinking the water then and finished shortly after getting back into the room. It took a good 45 minutes though for my bladder to fill up enough, but when it did it went from empty to FULL!!
Here I am waiting for my bladder to fill. During this time I was texting the parents since we were all a little anxious. After the nurse checked me for the third time I was finally full enough. The transfer was short and sweet. The process only took a few minutes and I could pee after 10 and leave 20 minutes later.
After that it was time to head back to the hotel and rest. I have been super cautious this time. I stayed in bed and have really been paying attention to my caffeine intake and how much I lift. Now the hardest part.... The two week wait for the official pregnancy test. The test is scheduled for April 1st of all days! We had a slight battle over home pregnancy tests. They say no test. I have no willpower. I will take home test but I wont tell them the results unless they ask. With Isaac I got a positive test a little under 4 days past transfer. This time the embryo had grown 3 days instead of 5 so I have to wait a little longer to test.
Hopefully my next update will be about a positive
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