The past couple of weeks have been pretty hectic for us. The kids and I went to the coast for 4 days with my mom and brothers to celebrate my moms birthday. It was great and the weather was beautiful! We had a lot of fun, but it was a little sad too, that was the weekend I was planning to start taking pregnancy tests to see if our transfer had worked, but no such luck since it was cancelled. But, I did not have much time to feel sorry about myself for the set back. I had stopped birth control on Thursday and HRC had said to expect my period that weekend, but I was doubtful since stopping bc did not work last time. But it came just as they had predicted. We got home from our trip around 8 pm Monday and were on the road to Roseville for my first monitoring appointment by 7 am Tuesday. The appointment went well and I fully expected to hear from HRC that I could start meds, but I heard NOTHING from them! I was irritated to say the least. I was worried that starting my meds late would delay the July 23 transfer and we would be set back AGAIN! After some back up from my IPS I got some lame excuse from the DR about not getting the test results and not being able to get ahold of the monitoring clinic after hours (really? they expected to reach them after hours??) BUT I got the ok to start meds.
I was excited to be going forward again. This whole journey has been full of ups and downs, two steps forward and one step back! I was getting scared about the HUGE needle that my husband was going to be stabbing into me. To make it worse, I am super OCD about making sure that all of the medications are done PERFECT and everything is written down. So I organized all of the meds into 2 pill boxes and then organized the syringes and needles. That was a big oh shit moment! There are soooo many pills and the needles really are BIG! I took the pills and it is a lot, but really no big deal other than remembering to take my night pills. Then it was time for the shot. I procrastinated as much as humanly possible and finally got everything together. I used a super size 18 gauge needle to draw the meds and then switched to a 22 gauge that is 1 1/2 inches long. Now to some that might not sound big but when you consider that it is NOT a medical professional that is jamming that needle into my hip IT IS HUGE! When my poor husband saw the syringe he was even a little nervous, but he HAD to do it, I don't think there is any way I could have! So I iced my hip so it didn't hurt as bad and got my phone all set up to record and just as George was getting ready to go I took a lovely picture of my butt instead of starting the video, so I was able to delay another minute!! I finally got the camera all figured out and it was go time..... I barely felt a poke. In the video I actually have to ask if it is in. The estrogen that we are injecting is in a castor oil base so it is really thick and we have to go really slow. But once again I barely felt the injection at all. Now I am not sure that I am ready to do it myself, but I will have to in a couple of weeks when George is out of town! After he removed the needle I applied a rice heating pad and rubbed the injection site to help distribute the medication and reduce knots. The rice heating pad is a sleeve filled with rice and lavender, it is designed to be used around the neck as a relaxation tool. You heat it in the microwave until it is the desired temperature, so its super easy. I chose this over the heating pad because the heat is a little more moist than a heating pad and I can still move around with it on. That was important because we had a barbeque for my mom on Thursday and I was busy making cheesecake filled chocolate dipped strawberries and cupcakes! So in all honesty the worst part of the BIG shot was the anticipation. I only do these injections once every 3 days so it is not bad at all.
I have another monitoring appointment on Tuesday to make sure my uterine lining is thickening well and everything looks good, they will also determine if any dosage changes are required. But so far so good and hopefully by the end of the month I will be pregnant! I also have to mention how impressed with the monitoring clinic I am. I do not enjoy the 3 hour drive each way, but the staff really is friendly and the actual appointment goes very quick with little waiting. I took Kaylee in with me, she is my doctor in training, and they were so good with her. They let her watch as they drew my blood and explained to her that I have little veins so they use a special needle on me. Then for the ultrasound the nurse practioner came in and introduced herself to Kaylee and then me. During the ultrasound she made a special point to explain to Kaylee what she was looking at. It was basically " see that thing that looks like a pear? That is your mom's uterus, that is will the baby will grow. Those circles are the ovaries, that is where the eggs come from". I was really impressed that they took the time to explain everything to my 10 year old.
I am so relieved that we are moving right as scheduled this time! I found a website that calculates due dates with IVF and according to that, with a July 23rd 5day transfer I will be due April 10th, 2014. That is right after Kimberly's birthday, That is actually a pretty good time because I will deliver before it gets really hot (it has hit 115 this last week here) and it is not too far into my camping season so I will still be able to enjoy my summer! The down fall is that it is only a month into my second practicum, but I am thinking of only doing one site so that it will not be a big deal and I plan on missing as little time as possible. So incase you are not all up to date on IVF terms, 5dt is a 5 day transfer, meaning that the embryo was fertilized and has been growing for 5 days, In our case that happened in June and the embryo was then frozen to wait for my uterus to be cooperative. We are all really hoping for ONE really healthy baby, but what happens is when the embryos are thawed the RE will look at their quality. If they are not of the best quality they may transfer more than one in hopes that one takes. If that happens there is a possibility of both taking and having twins. Now that would not be the end of the world, but it would definitely slow me down more than I would like so please pray for us to have ONE healthy embie that results in ONE healthy baby for my IPS. We have 18 days of prayer to ensure that God hears us!
I have been getting a lot of questions lately about how I will be able to give the baby away and even though I am not pregnant yet I KNOW the answer, it is not mine to keep! It feels like getting someone you love that perfect gift that you know will mean the world to them. My pay off will be getting to witness these two amazing people that I was matched with seeing their baby that they have wanted for so long for the first time. I know I have said it before, but the match with these IPs could not have been more perfect. We really have so much in common. It really is a beautiful process to see this relationship evolve. It is hard to imagine that just a few months ago I had no idea whose baby I would be carrying and now I have new family members! They have showed me several times over the past few months that they are going through this process WITH me. I have heard horror stories of surros that never meet their IPS aside from the match meeting. They do not attend the delivery, just get handed the baby at the end. I cannot imagine not sharing that process with my IPs. This is THEIR pregnancy, it just happens that it is going to be in my body. I am so appreciative of them and that they are willing to have a relationship, not just with me, but my whole family. Even though my kids have not met them in person yet, they talk about them and ask questions and plan for meeting them. I think that that part is so important, especially for us. Since most of my kids are older, they fully understand the pregnancy process and they will see my belly grow and feel the baby move. I think having a good relationship with our IPs will make it a seemless transition for them when we go from me being pregnant to our IPs taking the baby home.
So now I have to share my proud mommy moment. There are so many times that I doubt I am doing things right with my kids. I keep them alive, but they drive me nuts. Noah is well...... Noah and the girls can be so sassy and fight non stop. But every now and then I get a little glimpse of the good people my children are turning out to be. So the girls and I were discussing the Supreme Courts ruling to dismiss proposition 8 and to recognize same sex marriage and what that meant in terms of our religion. Kimberly said it perfectly. Basically it was this: we were taught that God created ALL of us and makes not mistakes. Homosexuality is NOT a choice, so if God really did not want there to be gay people he would not have made them this way. This makes me so proud! I know that not every Christian agrees with this point of view, even some people very close to me will argue this point, but I am proud to say that my children are learning LOVE and ACCEPTANCE in Gods name. Who could ask for more? Who could really say that that is wrong? I still stand by my belief that God wants us to love one another above all else. It is not up to us to judge. When faced with confrontations from those who have more conservative beliefs than I do, I always consider this, what if choosing to love and accept those that live differently than I do is a test of not only my compassion for others but my obedience to Gods word? What if it is a test of love thy neighbor? Would you pass? I may not be the poster Christian, I drink (a little), I swear like a sailor, I have sinned.....A LOT, I don't spend hours in the Bible and I don't sit in church EVERY Sunday. But I believe and trust in God, I have an undisputable testimony of what He has done in my life and I feel his guidance in my decisions. My children and I are baptized in His name and overall try to lead a life that brings glory to His name. It is my hope that when people look at my family they will not see the hypocritical, judgmental people that some Christians have a reputation of being. I would hope that they will see good people that have a love for God and standing up for what is right, even if it means taking the road less traveled. I have restored confidence that aside from typical shittyness of teenagers (especially girls) I am doing a good job raising good people! I love seeing how much understanding of true love for others my choice to be a surrogate is teaching them. They see me sacrifice and go through discomfort for the benefit of other people. They are learning about different cultures and have an interest in different countries, they are learning that there is more than what we see in our tiny little town, and that make me proud! So I will leave you with a picture of my daily medication regimen and the video of my first estrogen shot.