I really struggled to get excited about this cycle. I went to the appointments but could never bring myself to write about them. I didn't want to get too excited. I didn't take pictures. I didn't really even tell anyone I was cycling again. I guess I was a little numb. These appointments were so much different. Everything was perfect besides my blood pressure. My ob and I have gone rounds over my blood pressure. It is only high IN HIS OFFICE! I have gone to a regular doctor a few times now to get it checked out and it is fine. My ob thinks I am full of shit and that there is no way it can be so high in his office and fine after I leave but it is. I get so anxious over the monitoring appointments. I want things to go smoothly so badly. I know how much weighs on those appointments. I was especially nervous at these ones after my lining didn't get thick enough on the first cycle and had to grow and extra week on the second. But there was not a single issue with the lining this time, it all looked perfect. Once I got the all clear from my MD that my blood pressure was ok we were set to transfer.
To keep up with my year of change, George and I filed for divorce and we both started dating other people. ( yes, we get along still.... no drama). I really expected it to be a challenge to find someone who would be accepting of my family, the fact that I have been married TWICE and that I am trying to get pregnant with someone else's baby. There were some creeps, but there was one that was not! There was one that turned my world and everything that I thought I wanted upside down, he gets me and accepts me and all of my baggage. We compliment each other in ways that I never imagined possible and our kids all get along, all 5 of them. So what better to do with someone that you have been dating for a month than take them to watch you get pregnant with another mans baby? When I mentioned it he didn't flinch at all and I am so glad that I have had him by my side through this process. He is even giving me most of my shots now, which I am so grateful for because it's so much easier than me doing them!
Since I am so new at my job I wanted to take as little time off as possible. I arranged for us to leave Friday evening and come back Sunday. I was a little nervous because the hotel that I normally stay at was booked and we had to stay somewhere else. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to find all of the places that I like from the new hotel, but we ended up being even closer to the restaurants. My other stressor was that we had to be at HRC at 6:30 am! What doctor's office opens at such a God awful time? The hotel shuttle didn't run that early so we ended up using uber. It was super easy and we got there on time. The last transfer HRC had me down to be there an hour earlier than the time on the email that I received so this time I was a little crazy about checking the times and setting an alarm.
The morning of transfer as I start to wake up I notice how light it is. I HATE mornings so it didn't really register that it may be later than I expected for a few minutes. When I finally rolled over and looked it was 5:50, I had set a silent alarm! We had 25 minutes to get ready! Luckily there was a liter of water in the room so I could start drinking. I got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth and we were off. Part of me was a little disturbed about not showering before sitting half naked on a table for over an hour, but that part was overridden by the part that screamed "that's what you get for scheduling the procedure so fucking early".
Once we got there we were taken back pretty quickly, and as always with me, my bladder was not full enough and I had to drink more water. I cannot seem to get it through any doctor's head that my bladder is like a balloon. It's hard to fill at first but once it starts it goes quickly. The nurse came in a few minutes later and decided that it was full enough. She said the doctor would be right in..... it felt like hours. Really it was probably just a half hour or so but by that point my bladder was super full and I am calculating how much loner I will have to hold it..... at least another half hour after the doctor comes in!! He finally came in and got everything set up. The doctor very clearly told us that we were transferring one PERFECT embryo, but when he printed the picture of my uterus after the transfer there are two little white spots. He still assured us that there was only one embryo! Now the hard part of laying on the table and trying not to think about how bad I have to pee!! Luckily this time it was only 10 minutes that I had to wait, my first journey it was 30! Once I could get up and go, someone was in the bathroom so I had to wait, and wait and wait until a nurse felt sorry for me and took me to a different bathroom. Then it was another 10 minutes of laying down and I could pee again and head back to the hotel.
Previous transfers the bed rest about killed me, I was so bored! I have read entire books, watched seasons of shows.... it was torture! This time was much different, I guess it was the good company that I had! We watched parts of movies and napped all day long, it was so nice! I didn't have a worry in the world. Traveling back home was uneventful as well.
Now comes the hard part.... waiting to find out if it took! This was a 5 day embryo so realistically I could get a positive 5 days after transfer. With Isaac I got positives just shy of 4 days. This time by day3 I knew I was pregnant. Much like when I was pregnant with Kimberly, there were no signs, I just knew. I took a test at day 3 and if I held it just right with light behind it I could see the faintest of lines. By day 4 in the morning I was pretty sure I could see a line if I held the test just right. By mid day on day 4 I decided that I would try a digital and just see what happened. I bought a 2 pack because I was totally expecting it to still say negative..... I took it at work and camped out in the bathroom for the longest 3 minutes of my life. Then it popped up....PREGNANT! I was seriously shocked! Even though I knew I was pregnant, I thought it was too early to get a positive on a digital. Of course that wasn't good enough, I have to keep peeing to make sure that the line gets darker, which it has! I feel pregnant too. I am tired, emotional and spend most of my day wanting to puke.
Now the moment of truth.... Beta!A level of 50-100 is needed to be considered pregnant and I was at 423!!! We are officially pregnant! Next beta is in the morning and then one more before the heart beat ultrasound. The hope is that the numbers will at least double. Thank you to all of you that have asked about how things were going and offered support. I am so happy to have good news to share!