Saturday, November 23, 2013

10 week ultrasound

Well, I have learned that the farther along in the pregnancy I am the more difficult it is to stay up to date on my blog! We are just days away from reaching 12 weeks and the end of the first trimester which means that the risk of miscarriage goes down greatly. It also means that it has been almost 2 weeks since my last appointment!
  Everything is going good and I am still feeling well for the most part. There are days I am nauseous or things that make me gag but it's NOTHING like it was! I am starting to expand, which is both exciting and scary. Having been so heavy in the past, it is hard to feel my pants getting tight again BUT I know that it is baby this time and not just fat! I am entering into the awkward stage where people are questioning if I am gaining weight or pregnant. The strangest thing that I am finding is that as my uterus expands, so does my muffin top. I am not gaining any weight (aside from the 15 I gained when I started meds) but it doesn't stay in like it used to! Here is a picture of the ever so tiny baby bump making an appearance.
So to the fun stuff... the baby! At the ultrasound everything looked great. Kimberly was with me for this one so she got to see the baby moving all around. It has been really cool to share this experience with my girls and my doctor is so good at explaining things to them. The baby is growing well and at 10 weeks 3 days it was measuring 11 weeks 1 day. My first question was if that was any indication that the baby would be large (mine were over 8 and 9 pounds), I was assured that it meant nothing other than it was healthy and growing well! I now have to wait until December 19 for another appointment which will just be a basic check up BUT I may get to hear the hear beat at this one. Up to now I just get to see it on the ultrasound. Then the big anatomy scan ultrasound is scheduled for February 4th. Super exciting because our IPs will be coming here to be there for the appointment. They will also get to meet my family in person for the first time (haha, they can't change their minds now when they see how nuts we are! :)  ) 
   After the ultrasound I had to get some blood work. Usually I have to get 2 vials, no big deal. THIS time I also had to have blood taken for some screenings AND my prenatal panel for my doctor. They took 7 vials of blood! Poor Kimberly hates needles so she so graciously held my purse in the waiting room! It really was not that bad but I hate to see all of that blood leave my body! Good things came from at least 2 vials though, I got to stop all of my hormone meds and baby aspirin. What a relief!! Now I am down to an allergy pill, DHA, folate and 3 vitamins a day. Yes 6 pills is a relief!
   Now for the next few weeks my goal is to focus on eating well and trying to fit exercise back into my routine. While I obviously expect some weight gain, it does not have to be a lot. The past few months of extra hormones and busy schedules have shown me that it is easy to go back to old habits and that the effects of those habits are still the same!
I will leave you with the latest French Fry picture! As you can see it is looking more human!

Monday, November 11, 2013

8 week ultrasound

   This is going to be a short blog, mostly because I have taken so long to write it that it will be time for another in just a few days! On 10/31 I had the 8 week ultrasound. The baby is developing on schedule and everything looks good! It is starting to look more and more human, although my mom and Kaylee think it really resembles a peanut! Here is a picture of French Fry at 8 weeks!
My labs were good this time too, I got to reduce most of my medications!! That was a big relief. After a while it gets really hard to take so much medication every day! I am hoping that after this weeks appointment I will be able to start taking even less!
I have actually been feeling pretty good. I rarely throw up, but have a very sensitive gag reflex. My family all think that it is HILARIOUS to try and make mom gag or throw up. Most effective is dog eye boogers and farts. Yeah, leave it to my kids to get me gagging and LAUGH! Poor George, normally I don't have any problem taking care of my dog BUT this baby doesn't like dog poop. My poor girl pooped and as soon as I saw it the gagging started! George came to the rescue to pick it up for me!
The only other complaint that I would have is that I am TIRED!!! I remember feeling tired before but not like this! Most of it is probably the craziness of my life but this is crazy. If I don't get a nap, and I have been too busy to nap lately, I am exhausted by the time I hit my pillow. Hopefully that will get better in a few  weeks when the first trimester is over!

Well, that's it for now! I have my 10 week monitoring appointment on Thursday so hopefully there is more good news!